You have no idea how sinful these days have been for me... it's been quite a few days since i last blogged.... Those are the fantastic desserts that were especially for me...
The first from Gelare... the ice cream basket... bought by Joseph Goh
The Second from Andre.. Cream Brulee.. Bought by my Godma
The third was from a Japanese fine dining place... The dessert Platter... Bought by my Shun
The fourth was homemade... The Cherry Cheesecake... Made by Mikeyboy...
Can you believe how sinful... and how sweet these ppl were ...
Mikey did my cheese cake on Saturday, 11th February... that's when i got all my UNION friends over... see previous entry...
Joseph got my the ice Cream Basket from Gelera after a sumptious meal at Sakae Sushi on the 12th February... treated by Matthew Tjow.... Oh.. His wifey's pregnent... *Congrats... Thanks for the great time we had catching up and meeting up before i leave.... i'll see a little tjow when i return at the end of the year huh!..
later that evening... after church.. Suz and i went to Andre.. my Godma's restaurant... and there.. i was so happy... i had my final Yu sheng before i leave Singapore and my Godma's boss did a big one for me... it was really great.... thank you lots, Godma... Dinner was good too.. with "snails", cauliflower soup, for gras, tenderloin and cream brulee.. with 3 bottles of red wine... really great dinner i had... thank you...
on the 13th Feb.. i met up with my girls .. Lizzy and Amei... i had a nice relaxing time chilling at Acid Bar... it's a cool joint... go check it out... and there.. the girls treated me to a "BLOWJOB" .. it's a shooter and it tasted so good... i loved it immediately... like baileys but it was stronger and whipped cream on top... we had to cover the bloody cup with out mouth like we're giving a uh hmm... and ups the drink.... thanks girls for the wonderful evenin... and my sis, jarell and val for the photos and the company..
14th feb... the big VALENTINE'S day... smilez... the dessert platter was from this japanese place at Great World... the meal costed a bomb but it was worth every cent... thank you darling... for spoilling me rotten... i love you...
I finally got my contract last night ... and it was so long... goodness... i'll be leaving singapore on the 16th Deb at 0230hr. check in at 2330hr.. been waiting for this moment... and i'm gonna leave everyone here in Singapore....
My new journey really begins.... check out for more details ok... Love ya ppl... loads...
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