Sunday, August 12, 2007

Frankfurt, Germany!

Dinner first with 10 other crew and one non crew then Partying in Frankfurt in a Gay Club... Who would have imagined... i had one of the best times with the crew on this flight... Let me see.. We have all the Girls.. Melissa, Katelina, (Heba) and myself... and the pretty boys... Jeremy, Robert, Tyron n Ricardo... and our dear lebanese Georges who managed to hit on the waitress... Good stuff to the rest who came out but left early... Heba, Barry (Cap) and Mo (FO)...
For the rest of us... we were just getting started when dinner ended... Drinks at the bar...
Dancing to house music... Bottles of Rose and Red wine just kept flowing and all of us woke up with a splitting headache/hangover... it was great fun and i managed to have my mission accomplished... Thanks to Robert... Much love, darling.xx.. haha.... Great time guys and girls...

Monday, August 06, 2007

beach with audrey

You're my beach bum, babe... always have a great time with you... the weather was perfect and the water was warm plus great company, too... cool stuff to Wael and Majjit... Great to meet you guys..

definately up next on our agenda!!..

muacks... love ya audzzz..