Playing with lion cubs and having so much fun with them... they resemble little cats... which they are though they bite a little harder and they weigh alot heavier and they're paws are alot bigger but still cute....
They were full of life when we visited... and i saw so many everyday things that these big cats do... From... Playing to Mating... Eating to Drinking... Peeing to Crapping... hehe.. Climbing trees and logs as well as to conclude that these cats can climb high but are afraid to come down... i caught it on video... and pictures... we were at arms length with the big cats but we got full on with the baby ones...
It really is something to remember and i'll definately go back again ... but this time to the crocodile farm and the Elephane Park...
Love the wildlife in Johannasburg... with Amarula in my bag too... Sure is something i'll never forget...
Lovez... Vicky