Hey you guys who reads my blog... it's been more than a month and a half sinced i blogged... i was back home on leave for about 2 weeks.. I just moved back to Yishun from Woodlands and 'was helping my dad out with the painting and the whole process...
I also got myself my first tattoo... one which i always wanted.. a fairy... and i sparked the tattoo craze amongst my cousins and coupld of days later about 8 of them went down to my tattoo artist and got more than 12 tattoos done collectively... wow... great business...
my cousin & God Sister, Laura got married too... Congrats darling! Suz promised she'll catch your bouquet and she did.. hehe..
i received the most beautiful Christmas gift from my Darling Shun... thank you baby...
My sister left for Lansing, Michigan on the 23rd Dec... God Bless her journey..
Home was great to re-energize... really... meeting some friends and my family... was beautiful..
I spent Christmas in Beijing and boy was that fun... about 12 of us crew went to the restaurant for a Christmas dinner and there was lots of shopping before that... i had the most intellectual conversations with them in a long long time, (air crew i mean) over red wine and great food... it was an even better day on Christmas day... I Visited the Forbidden ity and the Great Wall of China... Amazing... and it was so cold and i felt as if my nose and hands were gonna fall off... 6 of us crew went... and it was great... beautiful memories and it's got to be my best layover to date...
Enjoy the pictures and Merry Christmas Everyone...